Lecture Performance, Video & Sound
Katherin Gutierrez


“Politics of the Sublime” is a performance lecture that delves into the emotional responses evoked by beauty and their connection to current political unrest. Through a captivating lecture-performance accompanied by sound and video elements, Kathrin explores personal narratives and anecdotes, weaving together an imaginary history of tears shed in the presence of beauty.

This thought-provoking exploration raises a series of questions: How is it possible to be deeply moved by beauty in an environment that either dismisses aesthetics as frivolous, such as academia, or inundated us with it, like the media? Does shedding tears in the face of beauty signify insensitivity or escapism? What role does isolation play in influencing our emotional experiences? Moreover, how does the saturation of digital images and the constant consumption of media impact our capacity to recognize and appreciate beauty? Kathrin invited the audience of Crying Classroom to engage in this introspective journey, contemplating the intricate interplay between emotions, aesthetics, and the socio-political landscape of our time.

Addressing the colonial and supremacist relations to the sublime and contemplating the intricate interplay between emotions, aesthetics, and the socio-political landscape of our time, “Politics of The Sublime” proposes a critique of Kantian aesthetics and their connection to current political unrest. The lecture performance presented by Kathrin Gutierrez explores how these ideas have influenced the academic realm and our understanding of art and beauty in society.

Katherin ended the performance with a small drawing exercise, where impressions were shared by the audience, who later engaged in a long discussion about the topic, highlighting sociological understanding of how these ideals have diverted attention from important and urgent societal concerns over a prolonged period. Prominent philosophers such as Kant and Freud, and others have played a significant role in shaping this discourse.

Watch the video HERE.
