29th May 2024 
14:15 – 15:15 pm
Bauhaus Universität Weimar (GER)

Open Lecture / Workshop
Hosted by Bauhaus Module Bauhaus Fragility: We need to talk about Racism at our University
by Lea Maria Wittich, Mona Mahall, Arijit Bhattacharyya

Join us on May 29, 2024, from 1–6 pm, in Room 021 of the main building at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar for the symposium as part of the Day of Teaching of Learning.

Moderators: Rand Ibrahim and Nadja Kracunovic
Full program: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7d8xa5Mdjs/?img_index=1

This workshop will investigate the connection between collective capacity and social responsibility in the institutional context. We welcome all guests to join the session. Crying Classroom is an inclusive and collaborative project that aims to exchange methods and strategies for dealing with and understanding crying.

26th April 2024
1 pm in Iceland, 3 pm (GER)

Open Lecture / Workshop (hybrid)

Hosted by The Iceland Academy of the Art

Link to the official announcement: https://www.lhi.is/vidburdur/open-lectureworkshop-crying-classroom-nadja-kracunovic-rand-ibrahim
Moderators: Rand Ibrahim and Nadja Kracunovic 


- Þverholt 11, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland / Lecture hall of the Iceland Academy of the Arts (Reykjavík)
- Amalienstraße 13, Raum 004, Lernraum Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Germany)

Photo credits: Leila Keivan  

31th March, 2024

We have submitted our Crying Handbook to the »Förderpreis für junge Buchgestaltung 2024« competition organized by Stiftung Buchkunst
Please keep your fingers crossed!

29th March, 2024

Our website is launched: https://thecryingclassroom.net
And this is our video channel: http://www.youtube.com/@CryingClassroom
We are very happy about it!

End of March, 2024 

Our Crying Handbook has been published – our editorial challenge was to articulate the unspoken. Camilo Londoño Hernández and Gabriela Parra have beautifully captured this challenge visually. We're thrilled to hold it in our hands.

You can order it here, it is a numbered edition of 100: https://luciaverlag.de/shop/einzelpublikationen/the-crying-handbook/

Screenshots from The Crying Handbook, 2024

19th January 2024
5 – 8 p.m. 

Workshops at the Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
in collaboration with Melina Vesley

Location: Studio Building, Lehárgasse 8,  1060 Vienna, 1. floor, studio south,
PCAP (Post-conceptual Art Practices), ABKW (Vienna, Austria)

As part of the Rundgang of the Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, the Crying Classroom will be conducting two workshops starting at 5 p.m. in the space of PCAP. Join us!

Left: screenshot from the ABKW website / Rigth: Poster by Melina Vesley with the visual by Gabriela Parra

October & November 2023 

Workshops, readings, movements, lectures, and performances by 13 artist
Der Laden Weimar, Germany
Supported by Kreativfonds and the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

You are invited to join our sessions, please check Instagram for the specific dates.

Program of the Crying Classroom, designed by Gabriela Parra
