Video and Sound Installation
Negar Kablou


In this session, a video and sound installation by Negar Kablou were exhibited in the classroom. The work was a sensual and ritualistic elaboration on grief and the complexities of human emotions emerging in artistic practice. 

“After my father’s passing, mourning took on a different form for me... I try to keep him alive by weaving. I wanted to tie my father to life; I wanted to safeguard him among the knots. The sound of DAFTIN (Persian instrument for weaving carpet) resembles the sound of instrumental music used in traditional mourning ceremonies in Iran. In this video, I try to communicate my mourning. My father may be gone, but my voice remains. I call out day and night, forever, ‘Baba, baba, baba...’.”

Negar Kablou studied carpet design at the University of Art in Tehran and graduated in 2012. Currently, she is studying the master’s program in Public Art and New Artistic Strategies at the Bauhaus University Weimar. Her artistic journey is intricate, intertwined with the mesmerizing motifs of carpets and the delicate art of carpet weaving. Through her practice, Negar addresses societal and personal issues surrounding loss and the creative processing of grief.

Watch the video HERE.

Screenshot from the video ‘’Weaving as Mourning’’ by Negar Kablou
