Collaborative sculpture
Pati Sayuri


Pati Sayuri created a sanctuary for tears with the participants of the Crying Classroom, a ritualistic act to honor plenty of tears dropped and an invitation for the ones who cannot drop them easily. A collaborative sculpture was formed with a collection of handmade fabric tears prepared by Saruri and composed by all-kinds-of-cryers, displaying shades of blue dye on one side and a testimony on the other. Through this three-hour-long collective performance, Sayuri shared the experience of recognizing herself as a Corona – an unapologetic Cryer and her artistic process of dealing with the topic. The performance was followed by a discussion around personal and social treatment for emotions through the act of crying, engaging these questions: how can we become a big wave of tears? Can the act of sharing tears with dry eyes legitimate us, unapologetic cryers, as radical beings? Can we inspire others to become radical cryers too?

Pati Sayuri is a Brazilian-Okinawan artist based in São Paulo and Weimar. She explores her ancestry with her hands and finds shelter in the fields of arts, textiles, and agriculture through her long-term research in Shibori and Indigo, both traditional handmade textile-dyeing techniques from Japan.
With a multidisciplinary approach that goes through craft, performance, and public interventions. Sayuri investigates the potentiality of the mundane life through care, intimacy, and failure. As she expands from the surface of fabrics to space, Sayuri invites the community to experience, with their own hands, states of art that compose her universe.

Watch the video HERE.
